Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Daniel loves to order his own food. Obviously this is a reflection of us eating out or hitting driving through windows too often but here are some funny orders.

At the deli in the supermarket he asked the lady "Can I have a strawberry smoothie?"

Also at the deli in a different store "I want a sandwich with meat and chips."

At Smoothie King from the backseat "I want a strawberry smoothie!"

At Wendy's "mom tell them I want chicken wuggets and a smoothie."

To the Costco sample lady "Can I have some more cheese please?"

He ordered last night at Carrabbas "I want a pizza. Pepperoni."

Zipper phone

Daniel got a new pair of jeans, with a zipper fly. I kept seeing him all day play with the zipper, but when he started talking to it I asked:

"What are you doing?"

Daniel "Mom this is my new phone I am calling grandma."

"Of course it is, tell grandma hi."

Daniel "Okay mom, thanks."