Thursday, December 2, 2010

Grandma's House

Today Alice fell and got hurt so I was telling Daniel if I ever fell and got hurt he should call 911.

D: "Well I don't want them to send the police."

Me: "Well you could call dad."

D: "how about this. I would put my booster seat in the front and drive to my grandma's house."

Me: "What would you do there?"

D: "I would stay for a few days, sleep good and not come out of my room, and play. Then I would drive back."

Me: "So that's what you would do if I got hurt?"

D: "Yeah, I would go to grandma's."

Me: "What if I have to go to the hospital?"

D: "Alice can go with you."

Rocket Ship take 2

My sister came over to deliver us some books today. When Daniel saw who it was he said:

"Guess what we are decorating our house for Christmas so that Santa will want to come here and then he can bring me my rocket ship because I asked him for one. I am so excited!"


Daniel was telling me about what would happen if bad guys got him. First he said:

"I would take my seat belt off my booster seat and open my door and jump out!"

"If I had a cell phone I would call you, mom"

"I would call Batman and say "Batman help we need guns to shoot the bad guys!""

Mom: "What about calling the police?"

Daniel: big sigh "I'm tired of the police."

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Rocket ships

Daniel really wants a rocket ship. At breakfast I asked him what should we get Alice for Christmas.

His response: "Hmm, Oh I know! A girl rocket ship!"

Monday, November 15, 2010

Too many prayers

After dinner, the kids were fighting over crayons and out of frustration I put my head down on my arms, then I hear:

Daniel: "Mom why are you saying another prayer?"


We learned about testimonies in FHE. This is a shortened version of Daniel's

"Dear Heavenly Father.....I know that we live in Eagle Mountain......I know Jesus and Joseph Smith were both prophets.....Amen."


So who know where Daniel learned the word object but apparently he did. We were reading a Christmas ABC book and this is about what happened.

Daniel: "Mom can you give me an object that starts with this letter so I can find it?"

A few minutes later.

"Stop objecting me mom! I can do it myself!"

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Daniel was laying on Jason's feet and no matter where Jason moved them to he kept it up.

Jason: "Can you stop touching my feet?"

Daniel: "Sure thing buddy."

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Jason told Daniel he had to go to a meeting. Daniel said that he would like to go with him, and then after thinking said this:

"I am not sure if that meeting will make me happy or something like that."

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Middle of the night conversations

This was a conversation between me and Daniel this morning that took place through Melanie over the phone (Melanie repeating everything has been omitted).

Daniel: Tell dad I got lost.
Dad: I am so sorry you got lost.
Daniel: I got lost in the middle of the night and couldn't find anyone to talk to.
Dad: Oh.
Daniel: And I was so sad.
Daniel: I got lost at some weird place of the house...[Exit Daniel]

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Chemical Cookies

Jason had bought Daniel a cookie from our favorite dessert place The Chocolate (located in Orem), and here is what he thought...

"Mmmmmm, Mom I love cookies with chemicals."

Sprinkles, chemicals, same thing to our kid.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Fireman Dan

Daniel had the firemen come to preschool and so he put out "fires" all day. Here is some of the best quotes.

"So if the couch is on fire, I will put it out and then there will be smoke, but smoke is okay. But if smoke gets on your bums then I can put the smoke out."

He was pretending to be the fireman who spoke to their class and this is what he said: "Okay now I am going to tell you a little bit about myself." Apparently we got word for word what the guy said.

Monday, August 30, 2010


Daniel has been eating lots of avocados lately. This morning as we watched the nutso weather outside he picked out a bugger and said:

"Mom look! Avocado came out of my nose!"

Monday, July 26, 2010

Tomorrow today.

Daniel refers to the morning as "tomorrow." For example:

"Is it tomorrow today mom?"

"Yes Daniel, it is tomorrow."

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Potty Stickers

Daniel was going potty standing up in our half bath, so when he goes his little bum faces out to all the world to see since closed doors aren't a real thing in our house. Alice was playing with stickers and well, she put a sticker on me, on her and then walked over to the bathroom and put one right on Daniel's bum.

Daniel "Mom!!!!!!!!!! Alice put a sticker on my bum!!!!"

Mom was laughing to hard to respond.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Converstaion with the bubble lady

As we were leaving the bubbles Daniel said "wait mom, I forgot." Going to the lady blowing bubbles he proceeded:

Daniel: "I forgot what is your name?"

Lady: "Maya. What is your name?"

Daniel: "My name is Daniel, Daniel Webb."

Maya: "Do you know sister's name?"

Daniel: "Her name is Alice Webb and Daddy is Jason Daddy Webb and Mommy is Mommy Webb. Thanks for bubbles. Bye."

Hawaii Posts

These are some funny things Daniel said on our trip to Hawaii.

"Rain stay up in the air!"

"Mom! There is a tree on that light!"

To the bird who came on our balcony "Stay here bird it's just me, Daniel, Daniel Webb."

"I want to play with Alice's rocket." Alice has a coconut maraca.

"stop singing I am eating."

Surfing according to Daniel:
"Big waves are for big guys and little waves are for little guys."

Waves according to Daniel:
"The water comes in and it comes up like this (vigorous hand gestures follow).

In his prayer:
"Bless all the aunts in the room..."

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Tractor Poop

Okay so Daniel is potty training right? Jason's co-worker/boss I forget which: Steve came over for lunch and this is what Daniel said:

"Steve guess what? When I get bigger my poop will get bigger and look like tractors."

Coughing Table

Daniel started coughing the other day and then asked if he could go to the coffee table.

Me: "Sure." Thinking whatever.

Dainel: "I just needed to cough at the coughing table."

Sunday, April 25, 2010


This was our conversation

Mom: "Daniel why do you ask so many questions?"

Daniel: "Because I like to talk."

Daniel: "Can I have some friends over to talk to me since you are busy?"

New types of amputation

Daniel was quoted thus this morning:

"Before I become a train the doctor will need to put on wheels so that I can go on the train track."

Saturday, April 10, 2010


Daniel came in to our room this morning, and hopped in bed with Melanie. After looking at her for a few minutes he said: "Mommy where is Alice? Did you put her back in your tummy or something?"

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Last night after FHE Jason bore his testimony on temples. We asked Daniel to bear his testimony and this is about what we got.

"I have a testimony of shows that have talking frogs. I know they can teach me my letters. I love them. Amen."

Thank you leap frog "letter factory."

Friday, February 19, 2010


We were spelling out words for Daniel one day so he could add words to his drawings when I told him to write Daddy.

Daniel (turning to Jason) "Okay Daddy, what do you spell with?"


I stood with my arms folded watching Alice for a minute while Daniel asked

"Mom why are you thinking right there?"

Monday, January 25, 2010


Daniel will ask for chapstick like this:

"Mom my lips are washing away, I need chapstick."

Daniel will ask for a vitamin as follows:

"Mom I have never had a Wall E vitamin today."


"mom I am so sick and not feeling good, I need a vitamin."

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Jello Hair

While getting ready for church this morning.

Daniel: Dad, Dad I need some jello in my hair!
Dad: Uhhhhh....what?
Daniel: I need some dark blue jello in my hair!
Dad: You mean hair gel?
Daniel: Yeah jello!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Dads shot

As Dad was leaving to go to the doctor one day.

Daniel: Where is Dad going?
Mom: He has to go to the doctor.
Daniel: Why does he have to go to the doctor?
Mom: He has to get a shot.
Daniel: Is it because I ran over his toe with my suitcase?
Mom (hiding a laugh): No honey its not your fault.

Mom Left

One night we were playing a particularly rowdy game of hide and seek. We would put Daniel in the pantry and go hide for him to find us. One time, when Mels hiding spot was a little too good, this was the conversation that took place.

Daniel (finding Dad): I found you.
Dad: Good job, now wheres mom?
Daniel (after looking in all the usual places): I don't know.
Dad (pointing to Melanie): Should you look over there?
Daniel (refusing to look): No. She left.