Monday, January 25, 2010


Daniel will ask for chapstick like this:

"Mom my lips are washing away, I need chapstick."

Daniel will ask for a vitamin as follows:

"Mom I have never had a Wall E vitamin today."


"mom I am so sick and not feeling good, I need a vitamin."

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Jello Hair

While getting ready for church this morning.

Daniel: Dad, Dad I need some jello in my hair!
Dad: Uhhhhh....what?
Daniel: I need some dark blue jello in my hair!
Dad: You mean hair gel?
Daniel: Yeah jello!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Dads shot

As Dad was leaving to go to the doctor one day.

Daniel: Where is Dad going?
Mom: He has to go to the doctor.
Daniel: Why does he have to go to the doctor?
Mom: He has to get a shot.
Daniel: Is it because I ran over his toe with my suitcase?
Mom (hiding a laugh): No honey its not your fault.

Mom Left

One night we were playing a particularly rowdy game of hide and seek. We would put Daniel in the pantry and go hide for him to find us. One time, when Mels hiding spot was a little too good, this was the conversation that took place.

Daniel (finding Dad): I found you.
Dad: Good job, now wheres mom?
Daniel (after looking in all the usual places): I don't know.
Dad (pointing to Melanie): Should you look over there?
Daniel (refusing to look): No. She left.