Thursday, August 9, 2012


Daniel looked at his plate and said "can I get some butter and some cinnamon sugar for my broccoli?"

Friday, June 29, 2012


I was telling Daniel that I read to him a bunch when he was tiny because it entertained him: Daniel "what books did we read?" Me "I was reading Plato's "republic"" Daniel "Who is play-doh?" Me "Pla-To, he was a philosopher" Daniel "A Velociraptor???"

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Bad Night

Recently my sister and brother in law posted on facebook that their son (a skinny and tall 3 year old) had a bad night. Jason and I speculated on what that could mean, and Daniel chimed in: "Maybe his bed fell down. He could be too heavy for his bed and if his bed fell down that would make it a bad night."

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Heavy Brain

Daniel hasn't been feeling good so this morning I asked him how he felt: "Well my throat still hurts and my brain is heavy. Sometimes it is so heavy I can't lift it."

Monday, April 2, 2012


I had to pump milk for awhile with Charlie (newest edition) and Daniel checked on me one day while pumping and went and told Jason "mom is just milking upstairs."


We have started drinking green smoothies around here but Alice prefers hers to be purple. She told me "purple helps you poop."

Big Girl

I helped Alice put her shoes on the other day. She then got mine out and when I put them on she said "you are such a big girl, good job."

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

I told Alice not to put something in her mouth or she could choke and die. Daniel "Then you will be stuck at the military for a long time until Jesus comes again which is like in forever."

Bad Guys

This is how you can tell who is a bad guy according to what Daniel told Alice. "Bad guys don't clean up their messes."