Monday, June 8, 2009

Staying Alive

Daniel loves watching shrek. Since he watches it mostly in the car he watches the entire movie, credits and all. At the end of Shrek 1 there is "karaoke" as they call it where they sing like four lines of famous songs. Yesterday Daniel was getting his diaper changed and started singing:

"dance to the to the music..." and he actually got the tune right.

I was slightly surprised thinking, this song is definitely not on any ipod that I know of. Then he sang:

"stayin' alive, stayin' alive, oh oh oh oh...."

Jason figured it out after he sang one more song that I don't remember that he was singing the condensed version of the songs at the end of Shrek 1. Super funny.

1 comment:

  1. I love it when they pick up on something even YOU can't figure out. Kids are so much smarter than they look!! :)
